Mary Rogers Clinical Psychologist
Having someone help you doesn't mean you've failed. It just means you are not alone.
A Bit About Mary Rogers
Mary Rogers is a Clinical Psychologist and a registered BWRT practitioner.
Mary has a passion for understanding and managing depression and anxiety. She offers face to face & on-line therapy as well as Unique Nature Therapy Day Retreat experiences.
Mary has Published 2 books Empowering Thoughts and Positive Parenting

“Life can often feel so lonely. Like our ‘joy-dial’ is turned down, or a heaviness is weighing us down, making it feel almost impossible to feel a real sense of joy and excitement. At times it feels like there’s a tightness in the stomach or like we don’t even know WHAT we actually feel at all!! If this is how you feel, you are not alone – come in and let’s chat.”

Our little miniature sausage dog “Frankie” is our therapy assistant. She welcomes our clients and makes them feel comforted and loved. Areas Dealt With Include:
Anxiety and depression: gaining control of and reducing the impact of stress on your life
Dealing with traumatic and difficult life experiences
Becoming the person you really want to be – letting go of the past
Understanding yourself better
Discovering your inner child
Improving relationships with others: Couples, parent/child, teenagers, family, friends etc
Teenage pressures and issues
Coping with illness or disability-related stresses
Preparing for death and end-of-life issues
Grieving/coping with loss
Dealing with abuse or unhappy childhood experiences
Attaining physical, mental and spiritual well-being and peace
Brain Working Recursive Therapy
Mary Rogers (Clinical Psychologist) is a Certified BWRT® Practitioner.
‘BWRT®’ stands for ‘BrainWorking Recursive Therapy®’. BWRT® is a new, revolutionary, highly effective and ground breaking therapy as well as a dynamic model of psychology that fits with current thinking of neuroscience.
It is one of the most exciting developments in psychotherapy as it is a fast-acting and extremely effective way to bring about change within the minimum amount of sessions compared to other therapeutic systems.
This is a thoroughly modern methodology that draws on the latest research into the technology of the brain and the way patterns of thought affect our wellbeing. BWRT® has been designed to permanently change upsetting emotional responses triggered by memories that are deeply troubling and to create new, adaptive neural pathways that do not have the old undesirable emotional responses attached to it. Within a very short space of time the client no longer feels any negative response to the usual trigger for their presenting symptom, no matter how hard they may try to ‘fire it up’ again.
Remarkable success rates with issues including:
Acute Stress Reaction & PTSD (Anxiety reactions to traumatic events)
Generalised anxiety disorders
Social Phobia
Fear of failure
Self Worth/Self-Confidence Issues
Relationship Issues
Commitment Anxiety
Fear of Authority
All types of Performance Anxiety
Success Inhibition
Exam anxiety
Panic attacks
Traumatic memories of Childhood abuse
BWRT® is a modern model of psychology and psychotherapy created by UK professional therapist, Terence Watts, MCGI. It uses a totally logical, practical and down-to-earth working method which is carried out in a completely conscious state. It’s not necessary for you to talk about anything you would rather not discuss – the practitioner only needs to know how you feel and how you would prefer to feel instead. BWRT® is unlike any other therapy you might have heard of or read about, using the latest discoveries in neuroscience coupled with your own unique brain processes to help you get better. Only Certified Practitioners have been trained to deliver BWRT® and all practitioners have to adhere to a strict ethical code.
For more information on Brain Working Recursive Therapy® please visit
Here’s a brief video giving an overview of the BWRT Process:
And the follow up:
For an appointment please contact Femina Health on 0861 336 462

Reviews & Feedback about BWRT
What My Clients Are Saying about BWRT
BWRT for Driving Phobia
Upsetting memory managed with BWRT
Anger Management with BWRT
Generalized Anxiety (BWRT)
Grief (1st session) BWRT
Grief (6weeks later)
Cancer (Chemo journey) BWRT